Constitution Warrior

Furthering the Cause of Anti-Federalism

Archive for the month “December, 2013”

Education in America, A Parents Duty – James Wilson


“It is the duty of parents to maintain their children decently, and according to their circumstances; to protect them according to the dictates of prudence; and to educate them according to the suggestions of a judicious and zealous regard for their usefulness, their respectability and happiness.”

James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791

Noah Webster – Father of American Education


“It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country.”

On Education of Youth in America — 1790

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